The Cook's Tale
Folio 58v
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Wel were þe wenche þat mighte him meete
FOr whan þer eny rydyng was in cheepe /
Out of þe schoppe þider wolde he lepe /
Tyl he hadde al þat sight I seyn
And daunced wel he nold nat come ageyn
And gadred him a meyne of his sort
To hoppe and synge and make such disport
And þer þey setten steuene for to meete
To pleyen atte dys in such a strete
For in þe toun ne was þer no prentys
That fairer cowde caste a peyre dys
Than Perkyn couþe and þerto he was free /
Of his dispence in place of pryuyte
That fand his mayster wel in his chaffare
For often tyme he fond his box ful bare
For such a ioly prentys reuelour
That haunteþ dys Reuel or paramour
His maister schal it in his schoppe abye
Al haue he no part of þe mynstralcye
For þefte and ryot be conuertyble
Al can þey pley on giterne and rubible
Reuel and trouþe as in a lowe degre
They ben ful wroþ al day as ȝe may see
This Ioly Prentys with his mayster bood
Til he was oute neyȝ of his prentys hood
Al were he snybbyd boþe erly and late
And som tyme lad with reuel in to Newgate
But atte laste his mayster him byþougħt
Vpon a day whan he his papyr sougħt
Of a prouerbe þat siþ þis same word
Wel bette is roten appul out of hord
Than it rote al þe remenaunt
So fareþ it by a ryotous seruaunt
Hit is ful lasse harm to late him pace
Than he schend al þe seruauntes in þe place
Therfore his mayster ȝaf him acqueyntaūce
And bad hī go wiþ sorwe and wiþ meschaūce
And þus þe ioly perntys had his leue //
Now let hȳ ryot al þe nigħt or leue .