The Shipman's Tale
Folio 314v
2 of 8 folios
Fyue hourys for to slepe vp on a nyght
But it were for an old apollyd wyght
As been these weddede men that lye & dare
As in a forme sit a very hare
Were al for strauȝt with hoūdys greet & smale
But dere nece why xxx be ȝe so pale
I trowe certis that ȝoure goode man
Hath ȝow laboured sythe sythe the nyght be gan
That ȝow were nede to restyn hastily
And with that word he lough ful meryely
And of his owene thouȝt he wex al red
This fayre wyf gan for to schake hire heed
And seyde thus ȝa god wat al quod she
Dare I nat telle how that it stant with me
Wherefore I thynke out of this world to wende
Or ellis of myn self to make an ende
So ful am I of drede & of care /
This Monk be gan vp on this wif to stare
And seyde allas myn nece god for beede
That ȝe for ony sorwe or ony drede
For do ȝoure self but tellyth me ȝoure greef
Parauenture I may in ȝoure myschif
Conseyle or helpe / & therfore tellyth mee
Alle ȝoure a noy for it schal be secree
For on myn portoos here I make an oth
That neuere in myn lyue for lef ne loth
Ne schal I of no cōseyl ȝow be wreye
The same a geyn to ȝow quod sche I seye
By god & by this portos I ȝow swere
Thow men woldyn me al in to pecis tere
Ne schal I neuere for to goon to helle
Be wreye a word of thyng that ȝe me telle
Noght for no Cosynage ne allyaūce
But verrayly for loue & affyaūce
Thus been thy swore & here vp on they keste
And eche of hem told othir what hē leste
Cosyn quod she ȝif that I hadde a space
As I haue non & namely in this place