The Wife of Bath's Tale
Folio 102v
3 of 12 folios
Some seyde honour some seyden Iolynesse
Some riche array some seyden lust a bedde /
And ofte time to be wydewe and wedde
Some seyden þat we be most yesed
Whan þat we ben y flatered and y plesed
He goþ ful neigh þe soþe I wol nat lye
A man schal wynne vs best wiþ flaterie
And with attendaunce and wiþ besynesse
Ben we y lymed boþe more and lesse /
And some men sein how þat we louen best
For to be fre and do right as vs lest
And þat noman repreue vs of oure vice
But seye þat we be wyse and noþing nyce
For trewely þer nys non of vs alle /
If eny wigħt wol clawe vs on þe galle /
Þat we nyl loke or he seiþ vs soþ
Assay and he schal fynde it þat he doþ
For be we neuer so vicious wiþinne
We wil be holden wys and clene of synne
And some men sein þat gret delyt haue we
For to be holden stable and ek secre
And in oo purpos stedefastly to dwelle
And not bewreye þing þat men vs telle
But þat tale is not worþ a rake stele
Parde we wōmen konnen noþing hele
Witnesse on Myda wil ȝe heere þe tale /
Ovide amonges oþer þinges smale
Setthe myda hadde vnder his longe heris
Growynge vp his heed two assis eeres
Þe whiche vice he hidde as he best migħt
Ful sotilly from euery mannes sight
Þat saf his wijf þer wist of it no mo
He loued hire most and trusted to hire also
He preyde hire most þat vnto no creature
Sche scholde not tellen of his disfigure
Sche swor him nay for al þis world to wynne