The Canon's Yeoman's Prologue
Folio 178v
4 of 5 folios
Thy lord were wys and so I may wel deme
He is ful iocunde also dar I lay
Kan he ougħt telle a merye tale or tway
Wiþ which he glade may þis companye
Who sire my lord ; ȝe ȝe wiþoute lye /
He can of merþe and eek of Iolite
Nougħt but ynougħ also sire trusteþ to me
And ȝe him knewe als wel as do I
Ȝe wolde wondre how wel and þriftyly
He couþe werke and þat in sondry wyse
He haþ take on him many sondry aprise
Which were ful hard for eny þat is heere /
To bringe aboute but þey of him it lere
As homely as he ryt amonges ȝou
If ȝe him knewe it wolde be ȝoure prow /
Ȝe nolde not forgon his aqueintance
For mochil good I dar leye in balaūce
Al þat I haue my possessioū
He is a man of heigh discrecioū
I warne ȝou wel he is a passynge man
Wel quoþ oure host I pray þe telle me þan
Is he a Clerk or noon teƚƚ what he is
Nay he is gretter þan a clerk y wys
Seyde þe ȝoman and in wordes fewe
Oft and of his craft somwhat I wol ȝou schewe
I say my lord can such a sotilte
But aƚƚ his crafte ȝe may not wite at me
And somwhat helpe I ȝit to his worchinge
That al þis ground which þat we ben on rydynge
Til þat we come to Caunturbury toun
He couþe al clene turne it vp se doun
And paue it al of siluer and of gold
And whan þis ȝoman hadde þus y told
Vnto oure hoost// he seyde benedicite
Þis þing is wonder merueylous to me /
Siþens þat þi lord is of so heigh prudence /