The Manciple's Tale
Folio 214v
8 of 8 folios
Kepe wel thi tonge and thenke vpon the crowe
Here endeth the tale of the Maunciple
Here bigynneth the prologe of the cookes tale
Tthe Cook of loundoun while the Reue spak
For ioye him thoght he clawed him on the bak
A ha quod he for cristes passioun
This Miller hadde a sharpe conclusioun
Vpon his argumentz of herbergage
Wel seide salamon in his langage
Ne brynge nat euery man in to thin hous
For herberwyng bi nyght is perilous
Wel aught a man auysed for to be
Whom that he brought in to his piuete
I praye to god so yeue me sorowe and care
If euer sith I hight hogge of ware
Herd I a meller better I set of a Clerk
He hadde a Iape of malice in the derk
But god forbede that I stynte here
And therfore yif ye vouche saf to here
A tale of me that am a pore man
I wil telle as wel as euer I can
A litel Iape that fil in our Citee
¶ Our hoost answerd and seide I graunt it the
Now telle on Rogger loke that it be good
For many a paste hastow late blood
And many a Iak of douer hastow soold
That hath ben twies hoot and twies coold
Of many a pilgryme hastow cristes curs
For of thi parsle yit thei fare the wors
That thei han eten in thi stubbul gos
For in thi shoppe is many a flie loos
Now telle on gentil Rogger bi thi name
But I praye yit the be nat wroth for game
A man may sey ful sooth in game and pleye
Thow seist ful soth quod Rogger bi my feye
Buth sooth pleye quade pleye as the flemmyng seith
And ther fore henry bailly bi thi feith
Be thou noght wroth er we departe here
Thogh that my tale be of an hostelere